Golf ball accidents: Can a golf ball kill you?

Can a golf ball turn out to be lethargic? Or, more specifically, can a golf ball kill a person?

Although the death incidents caused by golf balls are very nominal, it is not totally unavoidable. Some death incidents caused by a golf ball notify us about what a mere golf ball can do.

When the golf ball starts moving at a rapid speed, the combined weight turns out to be far more than its usual weight. At that particular moment, if the golf ball hits any of your sensitive organs like the head, eye, nose, and so on, it can cause serious trouble.

Throughout this whole article, we will be learning about the top five accidents caused by a golf ball.

Golf ball accidents

1. Number one: Aria Hill

Aria hill, a six years old girl from Utah, died when a golf ball hit by his father struck her head.

The little girl was waiting for her father while her father was teeing off a golf ball. All of a sudden, the golf ball hit her on the base of the head, killing the poor little girl at the spot.

The tragic incident made the golfing community totally stunned. The incident took place in July 2019. Even the officer who has covered the case said that he has not seen such an incident throughout his whole lifetime.

2. Number two: unknown woman lost her eyesight

Another incident happened in the 2018 Ryder cup when a woman was hit by a golf ball directly onto her eye. According to the victim, the ball caused her eye to explode. The woman lost her eyesight immediately. According to some of the witnesses’, the woman was busy on her phone. Several crowds were trying to notify everyone. But what is written is written to happen. The ball directly hit on the women’s eyeball. After suffering serious pain, it was later found that the woman had lost her eyesight. Many debates were going on regarding the issue in social media. At the end of the day, that is what we all can do the most!

3. Number three: Trey Mullinax’s

You probably are familiar with the incident that happened with Trey Mullinax. Mullinax is a professional golfer on the PGA Tour. Last year, he was playing with some of his friends in the Colonial Country Club. He was in a merry mood for sure. But what is lotted cannot be blotted. A shot hit by his partner hit directly on the back skull of Mullinax’s head.

For some instances, he was not sure what was going on. When he noticed what had happened, it was all pain and dizziness inside of his head. Though he had not faced any internal bleeding, his performance deteriorated to a great extent. Even still now, he is working hard to get his form back.

4. Number four: Anika Hanson

Anika Hanson is a junior golfer who was roaming around the golf course along with her friends. Suddenly, a golf ball struck her head. The effect of the incident was not visible at the first glance. She thought that it would be okay. But, when she returned home, she started to feel severely sick. Thankfully, after taking proper medication, our junior golfer became well. The incident could take a serious turn. As she was young, and her health condition was okay, she survived that accident.

5. Number five: Joshua Stanfield

In the 2016 Memorial cup, Course Marshal Joshua Stanfield was hit on his head. Phil Mickelson hit that shot. According to Stanfield, he was well aware that the ball was coming in his direction. Somehow, he did not take enough preparation to save himself from the hit. And the thing that was destined to happen just happened. He got a heavy blow on his hand. Coincidently, he was wearing a hat that saved him from getting a serious wound. After suffering a little headache and dizziness, he got well soon.

Can a golf ball kill you?

It depends on various factors. If the ball hits on a very sensitive organ, the chances of death are always high. Besides, the health condition of the individual also plays an important role, determining whether he will survive the blow or not. Here are some of the concerning fact that can cause serious issues if not death-

  • If the ball hits on the head, and it starts internal bleeding, the victim might face serious body paralyzed issues. Almost all of our body organs get the signal of work from the brain. If the ball damages the respective tissues inside the brain, the connected organ will lose its functionality.
  • If a person gets hit on the backside of the head skull, a person may lose eye visibility to a great extent.
  • To a very larger extent, if the golf ball directly hits on anyone's eyeball, one may end up losing his visibility for the whole life.

To suffice the whole thing, it can be said that a golf ball has the potential to kill a person, but the chances are very nominal. One may not die because of the golf ball, but one can get seriously injured if he/she gets hit on a very sensitive organ.

What should you do if you get hit by a golf ball?

Getting hit by a golf ball has become a common incident.  Every year you would face such incidents here and there. That is why it is essential to know what you should be doing in that kind of situation.

  • Try to understand the severity of the blow. If the ball hits on your body or hand, you will be okay.
  • If the ball hits on your head, the effect can be devastating and mild at the same time.
  • Look whether you are bleeding or not. If you feel any sort of headache or dizziness, make sure you are contacting with a professional doctor.
  • You may need to do MRI although you don’t want to.
  • Follow the prescription that your doctor suggests to you until you get well.

Final words

A golf ball may not kill you but it can wound you severely. The construction of the golf ball allows the ball to compress the combined force, allowing it to blow mildly than all other hard substances. Still, the pain can be unbearable. If you tend to roam around the golf course, make sure you are well aware of the golf balls that are flying above your head.

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