What size Golf Grip?

What Size Golf Grip Do I Need?

Golf grips are available in different sizes. They are different in terms of size, shape, quantity, and efficiency. For getting good balance and proper shot, there is no useful thing like a golf grip. In this topic, the size of the golf grip will be explained.

Golf Grip size

Choosing a perfect golf grip is very important for the golf game. All the performance and the game are dependent on the ball and the club. The grip gets used for having proper traction and control on the golf club so that the shots can be played easily. Therefore, choosing a good quality and perfect sized golf grip is very important.

Sizing: Golf grips are mainly available in four different sizes. They are standard, midsize, oversize, and undersize. These sizes are created according to the hands. Small sizes provide easy pulling along with better swing to the ball where bigger sized grips limit the pronation of the wrist while having the shot. Besides, it helps to push the shot. So both sized grips have good efficiencies and perfect to use. The best one can be chosen by measuring the size of the hand.

Golf grip size: Golf grips are available in different sizes. They get attached at the upper part of the club that gets used as the handle. A short listing about the sizes of golf grips is given below

Size of the grip

Measurement of hand

Size of the gloves

For junior

Below 7 inches


For standard

7 to 8 ½ inches

Medium large

For midsize

8 ¼ inches to 9 ¼ inches


For oversize

Below 9 inches

Extra large

The list given below is the general sizing for the golf grip according to the hand size. If you want to know Golf Grip For Driver.

Proper Material

All the grips are made from rubber. Two types of rubber get used for the grip. One is the normal rubber and the other one is a synthetic rubber. As rubber is a great object that is known for gripping and traction, it gets used in the golf grip. So that, the player can have good control and balance on the golf club. These rubber made grips are very flexible and durable. They are available in a lot of color and design according to the companies. Some of the high performer grips contain anti vibration feature. This thing lets the player have a vibration free experience while hitting the ball. Proper breathability of the grip lets the hands free from sweating and slipping and ensures better control.

Perfect golf grip according to the size

For getting a properly sized golf grip, measuring the size of the hand is very important. Smaller hands require smaller size grips and larger ones require larger grips. Measuring the hand is easy. Measure the left hand starting from the tip of the middle finger to the palm. During the measurement, the total hand should be included and the measurement will be stopped right at the wrist. This simple operation will help to choose the grip according to the hand size.

Smaller Sized Grips

If the hand contains a size less than 7 inches, it means a smaller sized grip is needed. They can be called the undersized grips. They are available in all golf courses and called the lady golf grips.

Standard Sized Golf Grip

Hand with the size of 7 inches to 8 ¼ inches need to use the standard sized golf grip. They also can be called the stock grip. That is because most standard sized golf grips come with the stock golf club. For those who have medium sized hands, this golf grip is perfect. Standard sized grip users wear a bigger size of gloves compare to the grip which lets them have shots perfectly.

Midsized Golf Grip

This type of golf grip is a little bit bigger than the standard one. Midsize golf grips are the perfect ones for those who have a hand size of 8 ¼ inches to 9 ¼ inches. The structure of a midsize golf grip is thicker than the standard golf grip. Professional level golfers with big sized hands use this grip in their clubs.

Oversized Golf Grip

This one is the biggest sized golf grip among all. The golfers who have a hand size of 9 inches or above, this golf grip is perfect. These grips are very common in putters that get used for the game. Some pro level golfers use the oversized golf grip in their club though they have shorter hands. This is because; some golfers get better gripping in oversized grips rather than their suitable grips.

Increase the Gripping Efficiency

As the main purpose of using grip has been described, increasing the performance of the grip should also be explained. This will help to maximize the performance of both the game and the club.

Tape the grip: Sometimes, using the grip only doesn't provide better control and traction on the club. That is because; the grip doesn't feel comfy in hands while hitting the shot. Using tape under the grip may cure this kind of problem. It not only increases the stability of the handle but also increases the thickness of the grip.

Adding extra layers: This one is another helpful method that can be used for increasing the efficiency of the grip. Sometimes, it becomes difficult to hit a shot if the grip doesn't feel comfortable in the hands. As some of the golfers hold the club in bare hands, the grips may become slippery or lose balance. Adding one or two more layers of grip with the main one may increase more efficiency of hitting and gripping. This is an ideal method for the big hand golfers as they don't feel comfortable while holding the club.

So these two ways can be used easily for increasing efficiency. Some other simple methods can be used for keeping the grip efficient and active for the game.

Cleaning them after every match: Golf club towels are the perfect thing for cleaning the golf club and the other things. Use the towel after every game and keep the grip clean. So that it doesn't get damaged because of hand sweat.

Importance of the Grip Size

A perfect grip can even make a game win. Grip size is very important for playing. if the hands can get around the grip of the club perfectly, proper swing and shots are quite impossible to hit. If the grip doesn't get perfectly adjusted with the hand, perfect shots are not possible no matter how good the grip is. That is why proper grip size is essential if improving the game is necessary.

What Size Golf Grip

The rubbery part located at the top of the golf club is the golf grip. Golfers use it to hold the golf with their hands. As all of the golf is made of steel and iron, they tend to be slippery. Because of this without a grip, it's not possible to hold the club with accuracy. Normally, the grip is made of a single hollow piece of rubber. The fact of rubber grip is simple, one cannot swing the golf club effectively without a proper golf grip, the club will slip away and one may get hurt.

It may seem that worrying about grip size is too much but it's not. To improve the ball strikes and swing grip size does matter too much. There is a saying ‘a good golf begins with a good grip’.

The perfect grip size is related to the hand size of a golfer. The grip size will be larger or smaller according to the hand size. If the hand is larger the grip size will be larger, if the hand is smaller the grip will be smaller. Playing with a grip size that is not a perfect fit for the golfer's hand then the match for the game will have some bad shots on the golf course.

To determine the grip size first measure the size of your hand, wrist to the tip of the middle finger, and then match with the golf grips available size.

  • Undersize

This is also called junior size. This grip size is perfect for the hand size less than 7 inches. Normally, one can see this sized grip in clubs for women and children. This size is common and not difficult to find.

  • Standard

Having a hand size 7 inches to 8 ¾ inches is for the standard size golf grip. This size is also common, every manufacturer company made this size along with the medium or large size golf gloves.

  • Midsize

The hand size of 8 ¼ to 9 ¼ is for the midsize golf grip. This size golf grip is thicker than the standard golf grip size. These are specially designed for senior players.

  • Oversize

If the size of the golfer's hand is more than 9 ¼ inches then the golfer grip is oversized. These are the largest grip size and very common on putters.

Along with the hand size, one can also select the grip size by their golf gloves size. Though matching with the hand size is the standard way but one can also compare the grip size with the glove size in case.

  • Small

The golf glove size small can go with the undersized golf grip. This size is common among women and children as we mentioned.

  • Medium or Medium-large

Standard grip size is can be used by the golfer whose golf glove size is medium or medium-large. The majority of the golfer use this size so it's very common.

  • Large

This golf size gets confused between standard grip sizes and midsize. The golfer can use their hand size along with golf size to overcome the confusion.

  • Extra-large size

The oversize grip is a perfect match for the extra-large size golf gloves. This size is very common in only men golfers.

We highly recommend one should consider both hand and golf gloves size while choosing the grip size. This will give a perfect idea about the grip size. Let’s look into the detail of grip size by hand size and finger size using a chart for better understanding.

Full Hand Length

Longest Finger Length

Grip Size

Under 5 3/4"

Under 3"


3" to 4"


4" and over


5 3/4" to 6 1/2"

Under 3"


3" to 4"


4" and over


6 1/2" to 7"

Under 3"


3" to 4"


4" and over


7" to 7 3/4"

Under 3"


3" to 4"


4" and over


7 3/4" to 8 1/4"

Under 3"


3" to 4"


4" and over


8 1/4" to 8 3/4"

Under 3"


3" to 4"


4" and over


8 3/4" to 9 1/4"

Under 3"


3" to 4"


4" and over


9 1/4" and over

Under 3"


3" to 4"


4" and over


The effects of grip size on the shot of the club.

We have discussed above that grip size has effects on the swing of the golf club. The effects need to be understanding of choosing the wrong-sized golf grip for the golf club. One may hurt their score if they have no idea about the effects of choosing wrong. If the grip is smaller it will encourage more active hands during the swing. It will promote a draw. But if the grip is too small against the hand, wrist, one may feel tightness through the swing or one may feel uncomfortable holding it by the finger. The too-small grip will be too small for the big hand, and they will have too much action on the swing. It is necessary to feel relaxed in the hand while holding the club lightly or just enough, otherwise the club will slip away from the hand. A smaller grip will always promote a tighter grip which can have a negative effect on the swing and may hard to control.

On the other hand, if the grip size is too big the wrist of the golfer will move more than the grip and it will make it hard to stabilize the club. This will result in a miss-shot. This will limit the capability of a golfer about what the golfer can do. The golfer will able to do less action with the club if the grip is bigger than it should be. Having a too big grip the golfer can cost with the distance. Because the grip is too big then it will be hard to hold the club properly. If one can’t hold the club properly they can have proper clubhead speed and the golfer can’t control the swing, which will affect the distance they might cover.

But, the golfer having joint pain may find the oversized grip helpful, because it will make them feel loose, and comfortable to contact with the club.

However, having a grip that doesn’t fit on the hand of the golfer will cause incompatibility. Compatibility is important in golf while swinging the club

What Size Golf Grip

Does an oversized grip improve the game?

Yes, in some situations an oversized grip improves the game. For many players, an oversized grip can save some shots off the game. It is true, especially for professional players, it will give less wrist action in the swing.

Mainly, an oversized grip will be a good choice for the handsy players. Players who use their hands and wrist too much are called handsy players. If the hands have good timing than the player can do well in the game, but if not the things can get ugly.

Can swing determine the grip size?

The swing plays an important role in golf and the type of grip one should buy. The answer to the question is yes, the swing can determine the grips one should use. If a golfer is an amateur in the swing then they should first start with a smaller grip. That will help them improve their skills and game. In that case, a smaller grip will promote more hook and it will offset the slice.

On the other hand, if one play a big hook then they should choose a larger grip. A larger grip will help to straighten out the flight of the ball and it will increase the distance.

Bigger golf grips. Advantage or disadvantage?

Though all sized grips are available for the club, some of the golfers use grips with a bigger size than their requirement. That is because bigger sized grips let some of the golfers cover the grip perfectly with the whole hand. As they use gloves too, they don't make any kind of problems to them. But the main problem with using a bigger golf grip is, it decreases the clubhead speed and the ball can't make a good distance.

So bigger golf grips have both advantages and disadvantages of using according to the golfer.

Golf grip can be the reason for a good game even a bad game. Using the grip according to the golfer's choice and size may lead to a fine and good game. For pro players, sometimes grip size is not an issue whether it is big or small. They use any one of them and make a good shot.

Golf grip is simple, durable, flexible, and effective. Don't forget to have a grip according to the hand size for a beautiful game.

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