How much do caddies make

How much do caddies make – Know PGA and professional caddies cost

Following golf for a long time will let you know that there is always a person with the golfer to help him out or to carry the bag. Caddies can make a good amount of earning on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

A professional caddy with experience can earn from 50,000 to 100000 dollars in a year. On a weekly basis, they can manage to earn around 1000 to 2000 dollars.

Amateur, beginner or caddies with less experience can earn from 15-50 dollars per hour.

The caddies who are working in the PGA or LPGA game can earn more money than the average.

PGA caddies make

PGA or Professional Golfers Association is for the professional players. Players who are playing in a PGA tour tend to search for a caddy who is more experienced and can give better suggestions.

As professionalism is the main requirement here so the earning amount is little high than any other average tournament.

If any golfer won the tournament then he has to pay 10 percent of his prize money to the caddy.

If the golfer manages to place his position in the top 5 then he has to pay 7 percent of his prize money

And for any other place, the golfer needs to pay 5 percent of his total prize money.

There are many other options also possible from where a caddy in PGA tour can earn money.

Sponsorship can give a caddy to earn some extra money.

In summary, it can be said that a caddy in the PGA tour can earn around 1000-2000 dollars per week.

A maximum amount of 200000 can be earned in a calendar year in the PGA tour by a professional caddy.

The minimum amount that a caddy earns in a year in the PGA tour is around 100000 dollars.

Professional caddies make

Professionalism is the key requirement for being a perfect caddy in golf. You need to observe the game; you need to know the fundamental theory about the movement of the ball and the striking position.

That is when you will be searched and known as a professional caddy.

A professional caddy can earn from 30 to 50 dollars per hour.

On a weekly basis, he can earn around 1000 to 2000 dollars.

In a year a professional caddy can earn up to 150000 dollars.

And if the caddy is working on the PGA tour then he can earn up to 200000 dollars with sponsorship.

Professional caddies, in general, earn a lot amount of money. Then again their experiences matter a lot for the professional golfer.

Teenage caddies make

Teenager is the best moment for gaining experience. Becoming a caddy at an early age can give you a chance to earn some extra money for bearing your expenses or even for gaining experience in the field of golf.

You can be a caddy if your age is more than 14.

A teenage caddy can earn around 15-30 dollars per hour.

Weekly a teenage caddy can earn around 500-700 dollars.

If any teenage caddy is contracted for working yearly then the total amount they can earn is around 30,000 to 50,000 dollars.

Teenager is the learning period for gaining experience. the more time you will give in this particular field the more experience you will get gradually.

Golf caddy make a year

The earning amount varies with the experience you have. If you are a professional caddy then you will earn more amounts than a beginner or caddy with less experience.

Down below are some of the lists that caddies with a variety of experiences can earn in a year-


A teenage caddy can earn a less amount of money with the comparison of other caddies.

He manages to earn around 20-30 dollars per hour for carrying the bag. That means in total year he will be able to earn around 30000-50000 dollars.

With the year passed the earning amount increases as a teenager starts gaining experience.

It is always a better choice to start early if you are very much serious about golf.

A less experienced-

if you are a caddy for more than 2 years then you will be known as less experienced.

In this position, you will be able to earn around 40,000 to 60,000 dollars per year.

You can also earn some more money by getting tips or if you can manage to get sponsorship.


A professional caddy can earn from 100000 to more than 200000 in a calendar year.

With sponsorship and tips, the total income can increase more than that.

Being a professional caddy requires time and patience. You need to observe the game closely for gaining experience.

How to become a caddy?

Becoming a caddy is not a hard task that you should fear. PCA or The Professional Caddies association is there for you if you would like to be a professional caddy.

They will provide training and opportunities for you to be a caddy. After completing the training, search for opportunities near your area.

Join any league and start gaining experience. One thing you need to keep in mind is that you need to be consistent and the patience level needs to be high. Try to learn at the very beginning and knows the difference.

Gradually your experience level will increase and you will be able to deliver your best.

If you would like to choose your career as a professional caddy then contact the PCA association and book your seat.

Complete the training and start taking your course as a professional caddy.


Being a professional caddy can help you in two great ways. At one point you can earn for bearing your expenses and can lead a balanced life.

At another point being a caddy can be an interesting job that you will love unconditionally. you can watch all of your favorite golfers playing in front of you.

You will have the opportunity to learn from them and even at some point you can give or share your valuable opinions with them.

Becoming a caddy is exciting and a great task to do. Enjoy being a caddy and love the game of golf.

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