How to use golf alignment stick

How to use golf alignment stick?

Golf alignment sticks are the best way to improvise the golfing skill to another extent.specially if you are a beginner, and having tough to make a perfect swing. Even, most of the coaches nowadays prefer to use alignment sticks to enhance the potential of every beginner or handicap level player.

Now, you may have the best alignment sticks in your collection, but do you know the exact way touse them?

No worries! That is why we are here.

In this article, we are going to tell you the exact way that you need to follow for using the golf alignment sticks in the right way.

What you will get in this article

  • You will learn about the ways to make a perfect placement of your body.
  • You will learn about the ways to use the alignment sticks properly.
  • Finally, you will have the confidence to make a perfect stroke/swing every time.

Picking up the right alignment sticks

When you are thinking about making a perfect aligned swing, the most important part is to pick up the right sticks.

Most of the amateur level players tend to align with a single alignment stick. But, we would highly recommend you to pick two alignmenst sticks at a time. That is how you can expect the best out of it.

Having two alignment sticks give the authenticity to make a perfect placement and a great swing at the same time.

golf alignment stick

Making the perfect placement

This is the most daunting task where most of the amateur level players make mistakes.there are actually many drills that you can follow for making the perfect swing.we will be talking about all those drills briefly here for your better conveninec.follow these procedures down below for making the perfect placement of your alignment sticks and your position...


  1. Place one alignment sticks towards the target that you are aiming to get in.
  2. Place the other alignment stick just in front of your toes.make sure while placing the two alignment sticks that the toe line, the knee line, and the hip line of your body are all in a parallel position with the alignment sticks. Now, this is important because this exact feature is going to determine whether you are going to make the perfect alignmed stroke or not.
  3. The third thing that you need to do for making an aligned stroke is looking at the target while hitting the golf have to determine by measuring the distance with a rangefinder whether you are going to use an iron golf club or a hybrid.

Now, this is the time to hit with confidence.if for the first time, things do not work as you expected, try for another round. That is how you are going to hone this particular skill.


  1. This time instead of placing the alignment sticks in a parallel manner, we will perpendicularly place the alignment sticks for making the perfect alignment of the club.
  2. Place one alignment stick towards the target.
  3. Place the other alignment stick just in the middle of your two-leg.while doing so; make sure that both sticks are in a perpendicular position.
  4. Place the golf ball just a little in front of the conjugal position of the sticks.
  5. Finally hit the golf ball with the precise clubs for a better-aligned stroke.


This particular drill will make sure that you are getting the perfect ball positioning if you are having trouble with it.

Follow these procedures for making it a success.

  1. This time we are going to make a T shape with the help of the alignment sticks for making a perfect ball positioning.
  2. To do so, first of all, you need to place the first alignment stick towards the direction of the target.
  3. Next, you need to place the other stick just in the middle of the previous stick making a T shape.While making the T shape make sure that you place the golf ball at the same distance of your left foot. Now, as always, it is the time to hit with confidence.

If you follow the procedures that we have discussed in the above section of this article, the probability is, you are going to be perfect after certain days of practicing when it is about making a perfect aligned stroke.

Things that you need to keep in mind

Although we have told you the procedures that you need to follow for making a perfect aligned stroke, maybe, things will not work as beneficial for the first time. That is why this is the section that will provide you some fervor to hone this particular skill.

  1. Things may not work properly for the first time. It mostly depends on the amount of time you are giving towrds honing the skill determines whether you are going to be good or not.
  2. The more you will practice, the better you are going to be.there is no escape from practicing if you really want to be good at something.
  3. Finally, never lose your patience.delengency is the prerogative all the time. If after some trials, if you feel like, this is not your kind of task, then this is never gonna be yours. You need to be consistent with your approach.that is how you are going to make it to the greatest level.

Final words

The fear that paralyzes most of the amateur level player is the perfect alignment and alignmnet sticks was not even there at the beginning of the 21st century. But, the invention of the alignment stick has drastically changed the practicing methods of every beginner. players who can hone the skill of alignment sticks can make great swing within a short period of time. We have told you everything that you need to follow for making a perfect aligned stroke. now, this is up to you whether you will practice hard or keep it because you feel like this one is not your kind of task.

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