golf club lie angle

Everything about golf club lie angle

If not the most, but at least, one of the most important things that you need to consider while buying a new Golf club is the lie angle of the club. Maintaining an appropriate lie angle enhances the chances of making a perfect swing. If you are not keeping a balance between the club and the lie angle, then there is a high chance that you are going to get 8-10 yards of less distance than your true potential.

Before we show the procedures to correct the lie angle, let us start with the definition of the lie angleā€¦

What is the lie angle

Lie angle is known as the angle between the shaft of the club and the ground. While measuring the lie angle, you need to place the golf club in the normal playing position. That means the center of the sole should touch the ground line.

There are three different types of lie angles that you would see while playing.

Types of lie angle

The three different kinds of lie angle that you would see are-

  • Upright: in this kind of scenario, the toe of the club will not make any contact with the ground at the time of impact. As a result, the ball will be hit left to the target instead of the center.
  • Balanced: now, this one is known as the perfect lie angle that every player should maintain while swinging. In this kind of situation, both the heel and toe of the club is going to make contact with the ground while impacting. As a result, you are going to get a straighter shot.
  • Too flat lie angle: in this kind of situation, the heel of the club is not going to make any contact with the ground while impacting. As a result, the ball will go to the right rather than to the intended target.

Why is it important to maintain the perfect lie angle?

You maybe are thinking that all the clubs that you are buying from the market come with the perfect lie angle. But is it the reality all the time? Nope, not at all.

Not every club that you are buying has the perfect lie. It is even never fixed at all. These are things that would happen if the lie angle of the club is not perfect.

  • If the lie angle is 1 degree of upright or flat, then the estimation is that the golf ball is going to be 4 yards right or left to the intended target.
  • A wrong lie angle is going to make your swing look clumsy.
  • Besides, a wrong lie angle can reduce the true potential level.

Is there any standard?

While talking about the lie angle, the most common question that you would hear from an amateur is whether there is any standard that he can follow or not. The probable answer to this question is that there is no standard that you can follow to make the lie angle correct. It completely depends on you. Here are some of the statistics that would prove that there is no standard lie angle to follow.

After seeing the lie angle of all these clubs, one thing you should notice that all these popular clubs do not have the same degrees of lie angle that you can take as perfect. That means they all are perfect with their position.

How do you correct the lie angle?

There are certainly some of the steps that you need to make sure before correcting your golf club lie angle. Because the golf club lie angle tends to depend on the balance between all these factors as well.

  • The first and the most important thing that you need to make sure before correcting your lie angle is the length of the shaft. If the length of the shaft and the height of your do not maintain a balance, then only correcting the lie angle is not going to do the task for you.
  • The next thing that you need to do is making your posture correct while swinging. Only maintaining the lie angle without having a perfect posture is not going to make your swing great as you expect.
  • If now, everything is correct, then it is the time to work with the lie angle. The thing that we would recommend you to do to correct your lie angle is making some swing. That means we are working to fitting the lie angle to your swing. This will take some months of practicing as a beginner. If you feel like you are making a great swing, but the ball is running left or right than to the intended target, then maybe the lie angle is not appropriate.
  • Try adjusting the lie angle 1 degrees offshoot. If you feel like it is okay now, then stay with the position. If not, try adjusting the position. But, before you stop, you need to keep one thing in mind that is it will take some time to have the perfect lie angle that you are expecting.

Before we end this section, we would like to mention to you again that only by correcting the lie angle rather than the swing, body gesture, and perfect ball position; nothing is going to make your swing great.

How to measure the lie angle

To measure the lie angle, there are two ways that you can follow. The first tend to be a little controversial, whereas the last one is quite modern and correct.

  • The first way to measure the lie angle is through an impact board. To do so, you need to place tape on the sole of the club and then to measure the angle. It may not provide you the exact lie angle all the time.
  • The final step that you can follow to measure the lie angle of your club is using a launch monitor, which is going to provide you the perfect and accurate measurement without any kind of hesitation.

Final words

If it is about summarizing the whole article, then we have to mention again that if all the other things including the posture of your body, length of the shaft of the club, ball position, and swing remain perfect, only then the lie angle of the club is going to make a great contribution. Otherwise, correcting the lie angle would only be a waster of your precious time.

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