Strong vs. weak vs. nutral golf grip (main difference)

A beginner might ponder thinking about the differences between a strong and weak grip. Is there really any relationship between the construction of the grip and the grip type?

Well, there is no relationship between the quality of the grip and the type of grip. Strong, weak, or neutral grip simply means the way you are holding the club while striking the golf ball.

There are three different kinds of grip (strong, neutral, and weak) that you would notice while playing golf or would hear from your coach if you have not yet. Before you start learning from your coach, let us give some insights so that you can make your coach pleased, at least, theoretically.

Procedures for measuring grip type

If you look at your hand, you will notice that the thumb and index finger create a V shape. With that V shape and knuckles, we will measure the type of grip you naturally have or need to implement.

The golf grip in details

1. What is a strong grip?

While holding the club, if the V (created by the index and thumb) remains right of the club's shaft, it is called a strong grip. In that regard, the knuckles of the left hand will be visible.

2. What is a neutral grip?

While holding the club, if the V (created by the index and thumb fingers) remains in the center of the shaft, it is called a neutral grip. In that regard, three knuckles of each hand will be visible.

3. What is a weak grip?

Finally, while holding the club, if the V (created by the index and thumb fingers) remains in the left of the club's shaft, it will be a weak grip. In that regard, the knuckles of the right hand will be visible.

n.b: the opposite is valid for a left-handed player.

Pros and cons of strong grip

  • A player who struggles to slice the golf ball or swings over the top can be significantly benefitted by using a strong grip.
  • This grip can promote a better inside-out swing.
  • For all the amateurs trying the ball to take further, a strong grip can create a perfect impact.

Pros and cons of neutral grip

  • For all the players with a medium heep speed, a neutral grip might provide great help.
  • If a player is trying to hit a straighter stroke to get a fair distance, a neutral grip can greatly help.
  • To hone the skill of holding a neutral grip, a player must have vast experience who knows to play with all kinds of shapes without losing any shots.

pros and cons of weak grip

  • For all the players looking for an out to inside swing, holding the weak grip should be ideal.
  • If any player struggles with hook shot, a coach might prefer suggesting that he try a weak grip.
  • This grip lets the clubface not to close rapidly through impact, making it suitable for all the players struggling with a hook shot.

Read More : Putter grip reviews

How to decide which one is correct?

There is no doubt about the fact that the way you are holding your club mostly determines whether you are going to get the right distance you are expecting or not.

  • To many professionals, a strong grip is a wrong grip. Do you know why? Because the clubface immediately closes during the swing or impact, causing the golf ball to go to the target's right. To get better distance but devoid of accuracy, a strong grip is preferable.
  • On the other hand, to many others, a weak grip causes problems. Do you know why? This type of grip tends to open up the clubface through impact, making the ball to move left of the target. To get accuracy but with less distance, a weak grip can brought significant help.
  • What then? Is a neutral grip is the best way out? Well, indeed, a neutral grip is better for everyone, but it is not the most effortless skill to hone. Players with more dexterity prefer this type of grip. This type of grip over-rotates and open-up the clubface throughout the impact and swing, allowing the ball to reach the moderate distance and accuracy one is aiming at. If you prefer having a quality distance along with accuracy, this kind of grip might provide great help.

Should I change my golf grip?

It is not about changing the grip; it is about finding the grip that suits you the best. While learning to hold a club, most of the amateurs suffer finding a suitable deiver grip for them. A neutral grip might be the best grip to choose, but it is not the easiest one to hone. If you are adamant enough to select a neutral grip for you, you may give up after some days, thinking that it is none of your business. It is always ideal to start either with a strong or weak grip, depending on what befits you the best.

What's my opinion and strategy

  • Take 15 days to find out the grip that befits you the best.
  • It is always ideal not to start with a neutral grip.
  • Start with the strong grip instead. Use the first seven days to find out whether you are comfortable with the strong grip or not. As the strong grip tends to open up the clubface throughout the swing and impact, you may get proper distance and accuracy with practice.
  •  If playing with the strong grip is okay for you. You can skip this one, trying the weak grip for seven days. A weaker grip will provide accuracy but less distance. But, if you become an expert, you will be able to ensure both accuracy and distance.
  • One of these two steps should work better for you. If not, you should be happy that it is the neutral grip that will suit you the best. Start practicing the neutral grip on the 15th day of the session and so on.

final words

Finding the grip is most important than changing the grip now and then. Take the 15 days session to find out what suits you the best if you don't have a coach to practice with. In case you have one, listening to your coach should be the ideal thing to do.

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